John S. Barber was born June 2, 1928. He was the maternal uncle of Raymond Alexander Bowers II. John or “Buddy” as he was known to family was drafted in to the Army in 1946. He went in to the Army as Jona Sylvester Barber, but because he did not like the name Jona he changed it to John while in the service. He was a paratrooper in the Army and often spoke of dropping through the trees and the danger of having to do that. He reenlisted in 1951 because he enjoyed being a paratrooper even though he would let you know of the dangers that he faced every time he jumped. He was proud to serve his country. He was in the military for seven years.
After the Army John enrolled in North Carolina Central and received a degree in Education. He was principal of the Boomer Elementary school until it closed. He worked for the Wilkes County Schools for 30 years and for W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir as a Ranger for 40 years. He was buried with military honors on May 21, 2008.